- St Teresa's Hospice, Darlington
- Age UK (Darlington)
- Holistic Cancer Care Centre at James Cook University Hospital
Guests really took to the dress code. Over 50 ladies dressed in bridal gowns - a sea of white satin, silk and lace.
A competition took place for new, old, vintage and bijou dresses - which added to the excitement. An auction, tombola and water or wine game helped to boost the money raised on the evening.
However, I don't think the girls will be planning another bridal event in the near future...fee earning and event organsing don't exactly go hand in hand. Hats off (or should I say tiaras) to the girls for organising such a successful and enjoyable evening.
Full press release can be found here Brides and Grooms Raise Over £3300 for North East Charities
You might also want to take a look at some of the pictures the professional photographer (Debbie Stogden) took Debbie Stogden Professional Photography
Thanks again to all that supported the ball