Thursday, 6 October 2011

The Bride's Ball - A great success!

The Bride's Ball, held on 30th September 2011 was a great success. Over £3300 was raised on the evening with the monies distributed evenly between:
  • St Teresa's Hospice, Darlington
  • Age UK (Darlington)
  • Holistic Cancer Care Centre at James Cook University Hospital
We could not have chosen a better day to hold the ball. What can I say...I love an indian summer! Temperatures during the day reached 27 degrees, dipping only slightly to 22 on the evening. Not a bride in sight was shivering.

Guests really took to the dress code. Over 50 ladies dressed in bridal gowns - a sea of white satin, silk and lace.
A competition took place for new, old, vintage and bijou dresses - which added to the excitement. An auction, tombola and water or wine game helped to boost the money raised on the evening.

However, I don't think the girls will be planning another bridal event in the near future...fee earning and event organsing don't exactly go hand in hand. Hats off (or should I say tiaras) to the girls for organising such a successful and enjoyable evening.

Full press release can be found here Brides and Grooms Raise Over £3300 for North East Charities

You might also want to take a look at some of the pictures the professional photographer (Debbie Stogden) took Debbie Stogden Professional Photography

Thanks again to all that supported the ball

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

We've Been Recommended by the Legal 500!

The Legal 500 is classed as the Who's Who in law and 5 of Laitmer Hinks partners are recommended - so really, we have to shout about it! Get ready...

Legal 500 - Latimer Hinks

Tim Haggie - Real Estate/Commercial Property
Anne Elliott - Agriculture and Estates, Personal Tax, Trusts and Probate
Nick Poole - Corporate and Commercial
Neil Stevenson - Agriculture and Estates
Mark Gardner - Dispute Resolution/Commercial Litigation